Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pink streak on blonde hair?

i dyed a strip of my blonde hair pink with manic panic hot hot pink hair dye. this hair dye has quickly faded and i've only had this streak in for a week and i've already had to re-dye it once. does anyone know what i can do to make it last instead of having to re-dye it every week? and please dont say i shouldnt do this or whatever b/c its something all my friends and i are doing in honor of our friend who just died of cancer.

Pink streak on blonde hair?

Special Effects makes an Atomic Pink that lasts a very long time, at least it did for me. I used it and it stayed vibrant for two months until I dyed over it.

Pink streak on blonde hair?

try a different brand or label. Or maybe get it done in a hair cuttery place.

Good Luck! Hope I helped!

- Pedro (:)P

Pink streak on blonde hair?

try getting it perfesionally you might be using a dye hat comes out in 8-10 washes

Pink streak on blonde hair?

Get it professionally done at a Salon, they def know what theyre doing (no offence, not calling you stupid or anything =]), apparently my cousins dyed their hair and it became all frizzy and afro and really weird, and they did it themselves.

i like what ur doin to honour someone and pink looks really kool on blonde hair! =]

hope that's helped you =]

Pink streak on blonde hair?

get it done by a pro. their stuff is higher quality. or go to hot topic and get some of their permanent dye......

that would be good.

thats a sweet thing to do.....

i always wanted to, but for different reasons......but then i thought people would think i was just copying avril lavigne.....

oh well.

good luck, and God bless!!!

*so sorry about your friend........*

Pink streak on blonde hair?

i did that too!

and i had to re dye it every week.

than i just died my hair back.but the only way you can do it so that

it stays is get it done professionally

i hope this helped somewhat!

Pink streak on blonde hair?

I think that stuff wears out if you wash your hair, but you can get a more permanent streak at a salon.

Pink streak on blonde hair?

From my past hearing from friends you might want to see a real profesinal hairstylist and they can give you pink that will last for a while. Some of my old friends got pink done and it lasted way longer because they had went to a profesinal...Hope you take the advice and best wishes and im sorry to hear that your friend died! -Megan

Pink streak on blonde hair?

I feel so horrible for that friend and her family. You all should go a a hair salon (they are everywhere) and I'm pretty sure they can dye a streak for a low price. Maybe you'll even get a group discount since there are a few of you doing this.

Pink streak on blonde hair?

DO IT DO IT!! that would loook sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... pretty try it if you hair is like bleach or just below bleach one word:AWSOME....FOLLOW YOUR HEART BUT IF IT WERE MY CHOICE OHYEAAH!!

Pink streak on blonde hair?

if you want it to last a long time get it done by a professional. Me, I would get the fake kind of color spray in the bottle so if it fades i can redo it quickly without damaging my hair.

Pink streak on blonde hair?

Get it done by a professional, like a hairstylist. They can make different dyes with the same color but permanent or longer lasting. (It will be expensive, but it's worth it, especially if you like it.)

Pink streak on blonde hair?

do it professional next time. Go to a good hair salon

Pink streak on blonde hair?

First off Manic Panic isn't a good brand at all. if you want something to last longer [manic panic is semi permanent], then try using a brand that is demi permanent [it lasts a little longer than semi permanent].

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