Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I used to have black hair and i went thru hell and died it blonde. Now i dont know if i made the riht decision. and i distroied my hair!!! :((( what do you think???

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

your hair was black before???

you look totally cool in blonde!!!

don't worry, and by the way you're pretty

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I can't see the first link, but your look really natural in blonde to me. I think it's definitely a nice look.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

looks good blonde

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I like blonde...blondes have more fun

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

Just let it go back to regular color it will fit you better.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

the first one doesn't show up but from what i can see you look better with blonde hair

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I like the blonde hair. I think it looks good.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

i dont this you messed it up. Just dont dye it ask much

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

i think it looks really nice blonde. it looks very natural and pretty. i love your hair by the way, the wave is sooo pretty.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

If you are white I like blonde better if you are anything else just leave it black otherwise you will look like a sell out fake ugly wanna be.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

defiantly blonde

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?


p.s i couldn't c the link!!!!

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

ur blonde hair looks fantastic...don't switch back to black

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

looks good.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

go to brown dark cheshnut colorrrr

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I think your hair looks fine. Maybe you could just get some brown highlights throughout your hair so that it looks more even. Either way I think it looks good.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

Well only the blonde shows up, but with your eye color, I'd say dark almost black. That'd look soo cute on you. But for the damage.....BIOLUSTRE, its SOO worth the money!!

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

You'd look rather nice in blonde.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

I wouldn't go any darker than a medium brown.

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

blonde looks sexi i would keep it blonde i like black hair but on some girls it looks bad like you look better with blonde hair

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

dam ur hot, u single?

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

i'll say black is better

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

i think that a brownish color like dirty blonde would look very nice with your skin tone

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

blonde looks good, i cant see black, but im surprised cuz most people dont look as good with a hair color change like u

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

yea u did !! blondes are stupid and dying your hair once doesn't really do damage. i think you should pick which one that fits you best %26amp; if you dye it black again but purple highlights cause when i did that i looked like a cute rockstar!!

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?

babe u look fine there way you are. you'd look sexy sexy with a bold head lol. u made a good decision don't worry about it

Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?


Black or blonde hair??????please help!!!!?


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