Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blonde upper lip hair?

i have blonde hair on my upper lip/face. it's not really noticeable inside but when i get in the sun i'm really self conscious about it because you can see it. i don't want to wax it or anything because it will be darker when it comes back. is there just a way to make it less noticeable? is it even that big of a deal?

Blonde upper lip hair?

Well, you could either:

Shave. But you don't want to do that. So on with the next suggestion.

Wax. It'll grow back a little stronger, but will take a few weeks to grow.

Or, dye it. So that it's clear and less visible.

I dunno. You decide?

Blonde upper lip hair?

You notice things like that about yourself first. When you're next out with friends look at their upper lips. I'll bet they're just like yours.

Blonde upper lip hair?

use makeup

Blonde upper lip hair?

if it bothered you that bad you would wax it or shave it, but i see girls like that all the time and it doesnt bother me. just think, at least its not black like a stache

Blonde upper lip hair?

First, I must tell you that you are incorrect about your hair coming back darker if you wax it -it will not! It's a myth spread by people who believe that because they weren't as observant as they thought they were. Forget it.

Only in strong sunlight, at the right angle is your facial hair obvious. And even then, only if someone is looking for it. Our entire body is covered with hair, for our own protection. You really only need to deal with any of it if it becomes stiffer or much darker. Those happen with age, except for blond hair, which usually turns lighter, then white.

Blonde upper lip hair?

If ur blonde then u don't need to worry about it, because, as u said, if waxing it, it will grow darker and that is true. So in my opinion, leave it. U might wanna put foundation on ur face so then it will be less noticeable. Good luck!

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